Monday, June 1, 2009

go green, go purple, go black and never go back

I'm helping to paint the grid parple, in Dream's Parple Dress from Sisters. I was helped along with the parpling by Inorite who sent out a subscribo gift of ten plus hairs all in this lush deep purple. Butterfly hair clip was once a group gift from Swallowtail who also made this lovely matching necklace. Shoes change between 30 different colors in a HUD and they're from Schadenfreude. This latest group gift from Cupcakes has all tones including sambuca as shown with a pale green/purple combo makeup. Had major fun setting up chairs and stuff in this skybox from Prudence's Patchwork lucky chair, there's three skyboxes to be had!

I'm not clear on *why* purple was selected to show solidarity in the fight against cancer but it is a lovely color which I have officially granted favorite status, and I guess it beats wearing ash grey like the inside of my lungs from smoking. 

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